Results for 'Fábio Augusto Morales Soares'

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  1.  51
    Cidades invisíveis: para uma crítica do conceito de polis.Fábio Augusto Morales Soares - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 4:71-81.
    This paper has two aims: to realize a survey and a critique of the models of interaction between the polis and the resident aliens which were formulated by Ancient historians in XIX and XX centuries, and to analyze some indications which could overcome the theoretical insufficiencies of that models.
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    A teoria humeana da identidade pessoal.Fábio Augusto Guzzo - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):1-20.
    Na primeira parte do artigo, apresento a infame teoria humeana da identidade pessoal. Infame porque seu próprio autor a rejeitou no Apêndice à sua obra máxima, o Tratado da Natureza Humana. Na segunda parte, apresento o Apêndice. A pergunta fundamental é: por que Hume rejeitou sua teoria inicial? Os comentadores dividem-se entre aqueles que vêem um problema menor, técnico, na explicação da crença na identidade pessoal e aqueles que vêem um problema maior, filosófico, que afetaria não só a seção “Da (...)
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    Aplicación de la programación por metas en la distribución de servicios entre empresas operadoras del sistema de transporte masivo.Juan Fernando Lopez, Sergio Augusto Fernández Henao & Marcela María Morales - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Technological Policy in the Newly Industrialized Countries.Soares Guimarães & Fabio Celso de Macedo - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (2-3):117-128.
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    Recent advances in brain physiology and cognitive processing.Pereira Alfredo Jr, M. A. Pereira & Fábio Augusto Furlan - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):183-192.
  6.  17
    Improved Perception of Aggression Under (un)Related Threat of Shock.Fábio Silva, Marta I. Garrido & Sandra C. Soares - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (5):e13451.
    Anxiety shifts visual attention and perceptual mechanisms, preparing oneself to detect potentially threatening information more rapidly. Despite being demonstrated for threat‐related social stimuli, such as fearful expressions, it remains unexplored if these effects encompass other social cues of danger, such as aggressive gestures/actions. To this end, we recruited a total of 65 participants and asked them to identify, as quickly and accurately as possible, potentially aggressive actions depicted by an agent. By introducing and manipulating the occurrence of electric shocks, we (...)
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    Unconscious influence over executive control: Absence of conflict detection and adaptation.Fábio Silva, Joana Dias, Samuel Silva, Pedro Bem-Haja, Carlos F. Silva & Sandra C. Soares - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:110-122.
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    A Educação a Partir Das Barbas de Marx.César Augusto Soares da Costa - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 34:61-75.
    Este trabajo presenta una visión general al lector sobre el tema de la educación en el pensamiento de Karl Marx, basada en cuatro obras clásicas: Tesis sobre Feuerbach, el Manifiesto del Partido Comunista de los Trabajadores y de las Instituciones Crítica Asociación del Programa de Gotha de los cuales se considera el centro de a la comprensión de la educación en el contexto actual. Tomamos nota de que en Marx, el enfoque crítico de la educación en la sociedad capitalista contribuye (...)
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    De Aristóteles a Bréal: Da homonímia à polissemia.Augusto Soares da Silva - 1996 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 52 (1):797-811.
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    Image schemas and category coherence: The case of the Portuguese verb deixar.Augusto Soares da Silva - 2003 - In Hubert Cuyckens, René Dirven & John R. Taylor, Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics. Mouton De Gruyter.
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    A semântica de deixar: uma contribuição para a aboordagem cognitiva em semântica lexical.Augusto Soares da Silva - 1999 - Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia.
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    Replication, selection and language change. Why an evolutionary approach to language variation and change?Augusto Soares da Silva - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (4):803-818.
    This paper shows the relevance of an evolutionary model for the study of language change. We focus on a cognitive and usage-based approach to language change, namely the Theory of Utterance Selection developed by Croft (2000). Croft's evolutionary approach takes its inspiration from neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory, particularly the Generalized Theory of Selection developed by Hull (1988), a philosopher of science. Language is viewed as a system of use governed by convention, and language change results from breaking with convention and propagating (...)
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    Think positive! Resolving human motion ambiguity in the presence of disease threat.Ana C. Magalhães, Fábio Silva, Inês Lameirinha, Mariana Rodrigues & Sandra C. Soares - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):71-89.
    Recently, approach-avoidance tendencies and visual perception biases have been increasingly studied using bistable point-light walkers (PLWs). Prior studies have found a facing-the-viewer bias when one is primed with general threat stimuli (e.g. angry faces), explained by the “error management theory”, as failing to detect a threat as approaching is riskier than the opposite. Importantly, no study has explored how disease threat – linked to the behavioural immune system – might affect this bias. This study aimed to explore whether disease-signalling cues (...)
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  14. La teoría de los sentimientos morales de Andrés Bello.Fabio Morales - 2004 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 21:149-168.
    Este trabajo se ocupa de algunas ideas éticas del filósofo latinoamericano Andrés Bello (1781-1865), en especial de su “teoría de los sentimientos morales”. En la polémica del siglo XIX entre el llamado racionalismo ético (representado por Théodore Jouffroy) y el utilitarismo (Bentham), Bello adopta una postura intermedia, que pudiera calificarse de “hedonismo moderado” o de “eudemonismo”. Sus puntos de vista sobre la motivación moral o la manera en que la razón y el sentimiento se entrelazan para formar nuestras creencias (...)
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  15. La noción de "to proton filon" en el "Lisis" de Platón.Fabio Morales - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 46 (117):61-66.
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  16. Corporate versus individual moral responsibility.C. Soares - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):143 - 150.
    There is a clear tendency in contemporary political/legal thought to limit agency to individual agents, thereby denying the existence and relevance of collective moral agency in general, and corporate agency in particular. This tendency is ultimately rooted in two particular forms of individualism – methodological and fictive (abstract) – which have their source in the Enlightenment. Furthermore, the dominant notion of moral agency owes a lot to Kant whose moral/legal philosophy is grounded exclusively on abstract reason and personal autonomy, to (...)
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    Relational Attributes in Aristotle.Fabio Morales - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3):255-274.
  18.  40
    Heisenberg contra Lenard e Stark: O que há de importante na Física Ariana?Fábio Antônio Costa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):309 - 350.
    O objectivo primário do presente artigo é estudar algumas das implicações, sobretudo epistemológicas, associadas com o auto-intitulado movimento da Física Ariana (Deutsche Physikj, movimento esse que aqui se considera como tendo sido iniciado pelos físicos, laureados com o Prémio Nobel, Philipp Lenard e Johannes Stark. Assim, em primeiro lugar, procura-se analisar questões como a da ligação entre ciência e raça, a da função do método experimental e do método dedutivo nas descobertas das ciências naturais, bem como a da relação entre (...)
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    Informaciones.Fabio Morales & Javier Echeverría - 1998 - Isegoría 19:239-249.
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  20. Libertad y deliberación en Aristóteles.Fabio Morales - 2003 - Ideas Y Valores 52 (121):81-93.
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  21. En torno a la verdad y la falsedad de los placeres en el "Filebo" de Platón.Fabio Morales - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 37:37-48.
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  22. Dos argumentos sobre la unidad de las virtudes en Platón: Protágoras 329b-332ª.Fabio Morales - 2008 - Dikaiosyne 21 (11):59-71.
    Se discuten dos argumentos del diálogo Protágoras sobre la relación entre las virtudes individuales. En primer lugar se defiende -frente a Terry Penner- la tesis de Vlastos de que cuando Sócrates dice que "la justicia es justa", "la justicia es piadosa", etc., está destacando la mutua implicación entre las virtudes, y no su identidad; y se formula una hipótesis para explicar la razón de tal reciprocidad. En segundo lugar, se examina el argumento de que, puesto que la insensatez se opone (...)
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  23. La distinción entre las partes del alma en Platón, República IV.Fabio Morales - 2000 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 41:103-116.
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  24. Praxis como objeto de prudencia Praxis as the object of Aristotelian prudence.Fabio Morales - 2007 - Laguna 20.
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    O Mal no mundo: uma breve abordagem filosófica com enfoque em Sto. Agostinho e Spinoza.José Soares das Chagas - 2016 - Perspectivas 1 (1):29-47.
    A problemática clássica do mal na Filosofia. As atitudes teóricas diante da questão. As dificuldades enfrentadas no campo racional quando se apresenta Deus como causa de todas as coisas. Como Santo Agostinho (354-430) justifica a existência do mal a partir da noção de livre-arbítrio e da distinção daquele em ontológico, moral e físico. O confronto entre a concepção calvinista (agostiniana) de Blijenbergh e a de Spinoza (1632-1677) nas cartas do mal. A desantropomorfização de Deus e das noções de "bem" e (...)
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    Moral distress among undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice: A scoping review.Sara Soares dos Santos, Simone de Godoy, Agostinho A. C. Araújo, Diego Santiago Montandon, Ítalo Rodolfo Silva, Chris Gastmans & Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: The ethical challenges faced by undergraduate nursing students and nurses may lead to moral distress, negatively affecting learning capacity and self-confidence and potentially influencing the quality of patient care. Objective: To examine the state of knowledge regarding the moral distress among undergraduate nursing students during clinical practice. Methods: This scoping review followed JBI guidelines. First, the LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PubMed/MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, and ProQuest databases were consulted. Next, the reference lists of the studies included in the (...)
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    Horace’s Trial and the Quarrel of the Cid.Antoine Soare - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (1):78-99.
    In Corneille’s Horace the hero is brought to trial for having defended Rome’s integrity by killing his own sister. The fifth act of the play is devoted to this trial, but should also be read like an allegorical re-enactment of the Querelle du Cid, during which Corneille himself was put to a kind of a ‘’trial’’ by colleagues and critics scandalized by the moral and ideological audacity of this first play dedicated to a criminal hero. Our paper tries to point (...)
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    Null se constructions in Brazilian and European Portuguese: Morphosyntactic deletion or emergence of new constructions?Karlien Franco, Dafne Palú, Susana Afonso & Augusto Soares da Silva - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (1):159-193.
    Se constructions designate a set of polysemous constructions along a transitivity continuum marked by the clitic se that perform various functions: reflexive/reciprocal, middle, anticausative, passive, and impersonal. A counterpart of these constructions without the clitic – the null se construction – is also attested. Based on an extensive usage-feature and profile-based analysis, and using multivariate statistical methods, we analyze, considering Cognitive Grammar, the conceptual, structural, and lectal factors that determine the choice between overt and null se constructions. The results of (...)
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  29. Brill Online Books and Journals.Peter Kingsley, Fabio Morales, Paula Gottlieb, Kelly Rogers, Richard Bett, Bob Sharples & Anne Sheppard - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3).
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    O positivismo no Brasil: 200 anos de Augusto Comte.Mozart Pereira Soares - 1998 - Porto Alegre: Editora da Universidade, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
    Este livro apresenta Comte e seu Positivismo em linguagem clara e despretensiosa, pois é de alguém que conhece o que está escrevendo. A vida, a obra, a religião, a difusão e a irradiação do Positivismo no RS e no Brasil, e mais a educação e arte positivista em Porto Alegre são temas desenvolvidos com maestria por Mozart Pereira Soares.
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    Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales.Cláudio Neutzling & César Augusto Soares da Costa - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    The HIV/AIDS crisis and corporate moral responsibility in the light of the Levinasian notions of proximity and the third.Conceição Soares - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (3):278–285.
    This paper focuses on the set of problems regarding the HIV/AIDS crisis in the specific domain of corporate moral responsibility within a context of the Levinasian notion of proximity (infinite responsibility) and the Third. Against a totalitarian, homogeneous society, Levinas opens the way to a social pluralism, which has its sources in the disquiet provoked by the strangeness of the Other's face. Corporate responsibility, understood from this point of view, would not reduce institutional relations to an anonymous world of neutrality. (...)
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  33. The Time may be Right: Corporate Moral Responsibility and Saving Lives.Conceição Soares - forthcoming - Levinas, Business Ethics.
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    Corporate Legal Responsibility: A Levinasian Perspective.Conceição Soares - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):545-553.
    In this article I will look into Corporate Legal Responsibility taking into account Levinas’s notion of infinite responsibility, as well as his understanding of ethical language. My account of Levinas’s philosophy will show that it challenges – breaking down – deeply entrenched distinctions in the dominant strands of moral philosophy, within which the theory of individual responsibility is embedded, such as between:(1) duty to others on the one hand and supererogation on the other; (2) perfect duty to others on the (...)
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    Phenomenology and cognitive linguistics in dialogue: A review of Ortega y Gasset's theory of emotive gesture as metaphor. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero & Augusto Soares da Silva - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (3):374-390.
    The present study pursues three objectives. First, to expose and discuss the contributions of the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset to the phenomenological study of gestures and emotive gesture. Secondly, to critically review one of the central theses defended by Ortega, according to which “every expressive phenomenon”—including, therefore, the emotive gesture—involves “a transposition, that is to say, an essential metaphor.” This thesis invites us, in the third objective, to establish a dialogue between phenomenology and cognitive linguistics (as developed by Lakoff, (...)
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    Contempor'neo Fernand Deligny: cartografar entre a educação e o poder psiquiátrico.Edson Augusto de Souza Neto, Perolina Souza Teles & Fabio Zoboli - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-32.
    Resumo: O ensaio parte da consideração de que a obra de Fernand Deligny (1913-1996) é uma intersecção entre diversas áreas do saber, como a filosofia, a educação, a psicologia, a antropologia e a etologia. Assim, busca formular um Deligny Contemporâneo, uma figura que se constitui a partir do debate público estabelecido em torno das pessoas diagnosticadas com o autismo na contemporaneidade. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa, o texto propõe dois caminhos gerais de compreensão sobre a obra do autor, (...)
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    O mal em Eric Weil.Daniel Benevides Soares - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 10 (2):124-132.
    O mal ocupa a condição de problema para a filosofia desde a Antiguidade. Passando pelas ponderações dos estóicos e de Santo Agostinho, tratado no contexto da teodiceia por Leibniz, o mal aporta como objeto de preocupação para a moral em Kant. Muito conhecido por sua definição como um kantiano pós-hegeliano, é com Kant, mas indo além dele que Weil trata do mal, pensando-o como formas de violência. Considerada como o outro do sentido e da razão, a violência se manifesta de (...)
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    SIGNS and MEANINGS: Horace’s Trial and the Quarrel of the Cid.Antoine Soare - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (2):90-100.
    In Corneille’s Horace the hero is brought to trial for having defended Rome’s integrity by killing his own sister. The fifth act of the play is devoted to this trial, but should also be read like an allegorical re-enactment of the Querelle du Cid, during which Corneille himself was put to a kind of a ”trial’’ by colleagues and critics scandalized by the moral and ideological audacity of this first play dedicated to a criminal hero. Our paper tries to point (...)
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    O Problema Estrutural Com o Dilema Metaético de Street: Uma Proposta a Partir de Alvin Plantinga.Frederico Soares de Almeida & Matheus Dabnei Ferreira Peixoto - 2023 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 50 (158):551.
    Argumentos evolutivos debunking (AEDs), de maneira geral, têm o objetivo de danificar o status epistêmico de um domínio de crenças ao se apelar para suas origens evolutivas. No horizonte da metaética, AEDs normalmente são direcionados a teses realistas da moralidade e consistem essencialmente em afirmar que se nossas crenças morais sofreram influência significativa de pressões seletivas durante nossa história evolutiva, então se segue algum tipo de ceticismo moral. Um dos argumentos paradigmáticos articulados nessa direção é o Dilema Darwiniano de Sharon (...)
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    A escrita da história da Farroupilha na 1ª República brasileira.Fabrício Antônio Antunes Soares - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    O presente artigo examina como a obra historiográfica _Revoluções Cisplatinas_, de 1915, do político, diplomata e historiador Alfredo Augusto Varella, representa tanto disputa política como uma forma de escrita da história sobre a Farroupilha. A partir da hipótese de que na Primeira República, no Rio Grande do Sul, houve uma hegemonia social e política do PRR quer se investigar como a obra de Varella articulou-se com o seu contexto. Portanto, o objetivo é analisar como foi construída a narrativa sobre (...)
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    A questão estatismo hegeliano segundo Eric Weil.Daniel Benevides Soares - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 7 (1):92-102.
    A visão de Hegel como um pensador conservador não é um fenômeno isolado. Para alguns críticos, Hegel é comumente considerado um apologeta do Estado prussiano e um filósofo daquilo que comumente se denomina estatismo. Eric Weil, contudo, não considera essa definição como condizente com uma retratação fiel do filósofo alemão, assemelhando-se mais a uma caricatura. Nesse sentido, Weil defende uma leitura do pensamento político hegeliano que põe em xeque essa visão, fazendo uma crítica da crítica que, tal como Kant é (...)
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    Bioética, envelhecimento e interdisciplinaridade.André Marcelo M. Soares (ed.) - 2004 - Rio de Janeiro: Papel Virtual Editora.
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  43. Artificial Moral Agents: Moral Mentors or Sensible Tools?Fabio Fossa - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology (2):1-12.
    The aim of this paper is to offer an analysis of the notion of artificial moral agent (AMA) and of its impact on human beings’ self-understanding as moral agents. Firstly, I introduce the topic by presenting what I call the Continuity Approach. Its main claim holds that AMAs and human moral agents exhibit no significant qualitative difference and, therefore, should be considered homogeneous entities. Secondly, I focus on the consequences this approach leads to. In order to do this I take (...)
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    On the Ethics of Democratic Access to Web Information.Flavio Soares Correa da Silva - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1):97-107.
    Floridi’s work, although diverse and multifaceted, portrays a solid coherence across his different lines of work. Among his wealth of interests and results, we highlight his recent work on information logics, on the ethics of information technology, and his rigorous (and vigorous) philosophical analysis of recent technological trends and developments in information technology. In the present article we illustrate, by means of some connecting arguments, the diversity and coherence of Floridi’s work. We also show how his work, although fundamentally philosophical (...)
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    Hans Jonas e o profético na filosofia: sobre os 40 anos de Das Prinzip Verantwortung.Wendell Evangelista Soares Lopes - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 11 (24):2-19.
    O presente ensaio apresenta uma análise crítica do problema do profético na filosofia a partir de uma consideração da reflexão moral de Hans Jonas em Das Prinzip Verantwortung. Jonas demonstra ter seguido, bem de perto, deliberadamente ou casualmente uma sabedoria prática específica de Kant, a saber: a necessidade de fazer da filosofia um instrumento profético. O ensaio realiza, portanto, uma espécie de avaliação retrospectiva da fortuna do livro tendo em vista os seus resultados esperados, o que possibilitará de maneira secundária (...)
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  46. Emotions and moral motivation.Augusto Blasi - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (1):1–19.
    One question in moral psychology concerns the role of emotions to motivate moral action. This question has recently become more urgent, because it is now clearer that cognitive developmental theories cannot offer a complete explanation of moral functioning. This paper suggests that emotion, as is typically understood in psychology, cannot be seen as the basis for an acceptable explanation of moral behaviour and motivation. However, it is argued that it is possible to understand emotions as embedded in agentic processes, and (...)
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  47. Moral Agents or Mindless Machines? A Critical Appraisal of Agency in Artificial Systems.Fabio Tollon - 2019 - Hungarian Philosophical Review 4 (63):9-23.
    In this paper I provide an exposition and critique of Johnson and Noorman’s (2014) three conceptualizations of the agential roles artificial systems can play. I argue that two of these conceptions are unproblematic: that of causally efficacious agency and “acting for” or surrogate agency. Their third conception, that of “autonomous agency,” however, is one I have reservations about. The authors point out that there are two ways in which the term “autonomy” can be used: there is, firstly, the engineering sense (...)
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    A violência doméstica praticada contra a mulher em tempos da COVID-19, na cidade de Maputo: o caso do bairro de Xipamanine.Helen Solange Soares Omar - 2023 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 25 (1):194-215.
    A violência doméstica contra a mulher é um dos mais graves problemas que a sociedade enfrenta. É uma forma de violência que não conhece fronteiras, nem obedece princípios ou leis. Ocorre diariamente em Moçambique, apesar de existir um quadro constitucional e legal que introduziu vários mecanismos de protecção aos direitos da mulher. É neste contexto que surge o presente trabalho intitulado A violência doméstica praticada contra a mulher em tempos da COVID-19, na cidade de Maputo, o caso do bairro de (...)
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  49. A puzzle about moral responsibility.Fabio Lampert & John William Waldrop - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (8):2291-2307.
    We present a new puzzle about logical truth, necessity, and moral responsibility. We defend one solution to the puzzle. A corollary of our preferred solution is that prominent arguments for the incompatibility of determinism and moral responsibility are invalid.
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  50. Moral Encounters of the Artificial Kind: Towards a non-anthropocentric account of machine moral agency.Fabio Tollon - 2019 - Dissertation, Stellenbosch University
    The aim of this thesis is to advance a philosophically justifiable account of Artificial Moral Agency (AMA). Concerns about the moral status of Artificial Intelligence (AI) traditionally turn on questions of whether these systems are deserving of moral concern (i.e. if they are moral patients) or whether they can be sources of moral action (i.e. if they are moral agents). On the Organic View of Ethical Status, being a moral patient is a necessary condition for an entity to qualify as (...)
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